Thursday 28 November 2019

The Mighty Book Review Progress

Blog below about your Freak
-What you have accomplished this past week
-What went well
-What you are doing next week

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Diving into Ancient Greece

1. Find out which God you are with this link here. Share with the class by blogging below.

This site is provided by the Winnipeg Art Gallery, which had a real neat exhibit, details here

Open the links below in Internet Explorer
2. Build your own Greek Temple here. Show the result to the teacher

3. Solve the Great Plague of Athens here. Share your success with the teacher

4, (maybe) Navigate the year as a farmer in Ancient Egypt  (link might not work, but if it does, again, show your success to the teacher)

5. Information on two famous Greek battles and a chance to be a navy commander is here. Show the teacher how you won the battle.

6. The marbles of Parthenon belong where . . . ? Give an answer and be prepared to defend your answer.

Where is Ancient Greece (and present day Greece)?

Introduction to Ancient Greece

Trojan War 1190 bce (?)

Classical (or Golden) Greek Period (Our primary area of study) ~500-323 bce
Democracy first starts to grow in Athens 507 bce
Battle of Marathon 490 bce
Battle of Thermopylae (300) 480 bce
Socrates 469-399 bce
Parthenon built 447-432 bce
Plato 424-347 bce
Aristotle 384-322 bce
Alexander the Great reigns and conquers 336-323 bce

Rome starts to take over Greece 168 bc
Rome effectively controls Greece with the sacking of Corinth 146 bce

Ancient Greece

What connection do The Simpsons have with Ancient Greece?

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Ancient Egypt Review

All times are approximate
5000 BCE-Farming starts in Mesopotamia. Soon followed in Egypt
3500 BCE-Writing stars in Mesopotamia. 
3200 BCE-The first evidence of the wheel being used, again in Mesopotamia. 
3100 BCE-Heiroglyphics being used in Egypt.Also the first time Upper and Lower Egypt is united
2500 BCE-The great pyramds of Giza being built
  200 BCE-Rosetta Stone was created
1799 CE- Rosetta Stone taken by the French/British 

Monday 25 November 2019

The Mighty Book Review

The Mighty Book Review Activities 
Section I-C Level Choose any number of these assignments for a maximum of 125pts, a minimum of 100pts.  (half weighted)
1. Illustrate a scene from the book, using paint, markers, colored pencils, Photoshop, photographic collage, etc. (15pts) 
2. Find song lyrics from any artist that you feel define one of the characters in the book. Copy the lyrics and describe why you think these lyrics define that particular character. (15pts) Sing the song to the class (5pts) 
3. Build an ornithopter. (15pts) 
4. Kevin and Max’s relationship evolves from day care to the end of grade Eight. Do an interpretive dance of their relationship (15pts) Perform the dance in front of the class (5pts) 
5. Create a map of story locations (15pts) 
6. Create a Facebook profile of one of the characters (15pts) 
7. During the summer Kevin gets Max up and going in the morning so they can have adventures. What would this process look like if done by texts? Show us the texts. 
8. Create a diorama of a scene from the novel. (15pts) 
9. Choose 15-20 interesting and/or unfamiliar words from the novel and make flash cards with their definitions. Know their meanings. (10pts) 
10. Create a poster advertising the book, or a cover for the book. (15pts) 
11. Act out a scene from the book. You may work with one or more partners. (15pts) In front of the class (5pts)
12. Choose one character and write a poem about that character. (15pts) 
13. Create original music that could serve as a soundtrack for a scene from the novel. Mixmaster is a program that you could do this with (15pts) 
14. Play original music that you created with real instruments for a scene from the book. This could be done with partners. (20pts) 
15. Create puppets of 2 major and 2 minor characters. (10pts) 
16. Act out a scene with your puppets. (15pts) 
17. Find an actual medical diagnosis for Kevin. Write two or three paragraphs outlining why you think the diagnosis you found is correct. (15pts) 
18. Choose your favourite part of the book. Write a description of this part of the book and tell why it is your favourite. Must be presented to the class. (15pts) OR Choose your favourite part of the book. Write a description of this part of the book and tell why it is your favourite. Must be in language other than English. (15pts) 
19. Create a crossword puzzle using clues and words from the story. Use at least 15 words. 
20. Have the class play a kahoot game that you created based on the story. One point for each question, max 15 pts. 
21. Solve a classmate's crossword(5pts ea, max. 15pts)
22. A cover for our dictionary that Kevin would approve of. 
 After Section I is complete, then 
Section II – B level Choose one -25 pts 
1. Create a movie trailer for the book. This could be done with partners. 
2. Rewrite the ending of the novel.  
3. Write a one to two page description of a time you witnessed bullying. Explain how you felt at the time, how you reacted at the time, and how you might react now. 
4. Read one of the Legends of King Arthur and his knights. Give a report on the legend to the class on the legend. 
5. Read the sequel Max the Mighty.  
6. Create a Snakes and Ladders game. A hundred squares, 6 ladders and 6 snakes.
After Section II is complete, then 
Section III- A level Choose one 50 points. Discuss your topic with a parent, other adult, or find sources outside of your classmates, to inform your opinion and expose you to other viewpoints. Decide your opinion and give a two-minute speech or a two-hundred word defense of your position.  Give credit to your outside sources, and there must be at least 2 sources. 
1. Science is making great leaps in genetics.  The day is fast approaching where genetically designed babies could be a reality, babies that would not have the disease that Kevin had. Would it be better if only perfect children were allowed to be born? 
2. Why do some people harass or intimidate others? Think of adults as well as children and teenagers. 
3. Do you think students with special needs, and Max and Kevin had special needs, should learn in separate classrooms or in a regular classroom with other students? 
4. If you were a parent, what advice would you give to your child if he or she were being bullied? Think beyond just the immediate situation and consider the development of your child.  

Making a Mummy

Our play was about the first mummification, which was the bandaging of the body parts of Osiris. The afterlife was very important for the ancient Egyptians, and they preservered the body parts of the rich so they may have them in the afterlife (except for the brain, which they thought was not needed, and removed through the nose).

After your reflection from the blog posting below, try making a  mummy

Open with Internet Explorer the link below.
At this link here, try the Mummy making challenge. 

This turned a hundred years old during our field trip on Thursday

1. What is it?
2. What connection does it have with Ancient Greece, which we are studying next?
3. What connection does the building below it have with what ancient Egypt that we are studying now?

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Parts of a Story

Remembering about story structure, class handout sheet in your binder and also here, view this classic Canadian story

Blog below

1. The Setting

2. The Initial Action

3. At least 2 incidents of Rising Action

4. The Climax

5. The Resolution

6. What is the conflict? Pick a conflict from the handout sheet and explain

Monday 18 November 2019

Quid pro quo

Quid pro quo is a happening phrase south of the border of us. We have the Ancient Romans to thank for this phrase, who we will be studying before spring break. What does quid pro quo mean?

The Mighty

We finished the book The Mighty on the last day of anti-bullying week. Kevin and Max are very different people who develop a friendship. Under different circumstance, they might have bullied each other. Describe their friendship, what each contributes to their partnership, and how it enriched their lives. 

Take time and put some thought into your answer. Examples from the book in you answer would be helpful.  Blog your answer below. 

Friday Afternoon, Nov 29, we watch the movie Freak the Mighty, based on the book The Mighty. 
4. Skilled-Fully developed description of their friendship, including what they each contributes and examples from the book

3. Competent-A good description of their friendship and something that each contributes, and you referred to the book

2. Developing-Described some parts of their friendship, no reference to the book

1 Struggling-Mentioned something about their friendship, no reference to what each contributes or to the book.

Friday 15 November 2019

How big is the Pyramid

The Great Pyramid of Giza was built some 4,500 years ago, and for nearly 4,000 years was the tallest building in the World.  How big is our school compared to this fabled structure? See how many of the following ways to compare size you can complete. The size of the Great Pyramid of Giza can be found from this Link.   Remember to show your work!
 1.One way to compare is to measure the base area of Bruce and the Great Pyramid. Area is Width X Length
 2.Another Way to measure is to compare the heights of the two structures. No climbing the school to find the height!!! Have someone stand beside the school estimate how many of them it would take to reach the top of the school.
 3. Perhaps the most accurate way to measure the size is by comparing the volume.  Width X Length X Height/ gives us the volume of Bruce Middle School. The volume of a pyramid is  Width X Length X Height /3.
 Blog your answers below

Thursday 14 November 2019


Oral history is often not given the respect it deserves in our culture that values things being written down. Here is an example. Still, being able to communicate by writing can be a big advantage, especially if you can't meet in person.  Writing first happened in the Fertile Crescent, about 3400 BCE, soon after farming became a lifestyle. A big push to start writing was that it was a good way to keep track of taxes. Egypt had writing soon afterwards, about 3100 BCE.  It was awhile before an actual alphabet was used. People drew pictures or symbols to convey their message. We still do today, such as with emoticons.

In your groups, and without using any alphabetical figures, communicate the following message on your sheet of paper.

Zuri is selling high quality grain, good for bread, for 10 chickens. 
Liam is selling lower quality grain, good for animal feed, for 5 chickens. 


Egyptian Hieroglyphics were used for some 3,000 years, far far longer than English has been used. They used hieroglyphics on their temples and in their pyramids and many other places, to communicate. Though the language was read for thousands of years, in recent times, nobody, nobody, could read the language. Then this was found, and it helped solve the mystery.
The Rosetta Stone

What does the above message in hieroglyphics say? To figure it out, go to this link here.

In Kidblog, use the link above, post your own messages.

Here is how to save your message so you can post it onto kidblog.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Go out on your Shield

Don Cherry's career might now be over, and it has nothing to do about Free Speech. He said about the ending of his career "At least I went out on my shield." This is also the advice he gives his teams in overtime "Go out on your shield." He claims that this is about the only advice he gives his teams before overtime. This advice comes from the Ancient Greeks, which we will be studying next. Can you explain what he means (hopefully his players knew something about the Ancient Greeks).

Thursday 7 November 2019

Egyptian Gods and the After Life

Life after death was a strong belief in ancient Egypt. Read about and/or watch the video about the weighing of the Heart.

1.What is this large creature above and what role does it serve?
2. Having a heavy heart isn't desirable in our society and in court we are judged by a jury of twelve. What connections can you make with this to the weighing of the heart ceremony?
A very important God was Ra. Read about this god Here and Here
3. Many societies have a Sun God as an important god. Even Christianity, that has no specific sun god, often has paintings with sunbursts behind Jesus and other important figures. Why the importance of the Sun?
4. What happened at night to Ra?
5. How many sections was the night divided into? How is this connected to time today?
6. Using photoshop, make your Ammit. Save the photo in photoshop by going file/save as/jpg and then upload the photo to kidblog
7. In kidblog, describe how your Ammit works and what your demon Ammit does.

This Ammit is made from Manitoba animals. The lower half is a polar bear, which gives the Ammit great power and speed over land and water. Polar bears are also afraid of nothing and will hunt anything.  The Ammit has the wings of a Raven, so it can soar up high and find its prey. Ravens are also know as the Tricksters, so this Ammit likes playing pranks. The top of the Ammit is a Buffalo head. So the Ammit is very powerful, stubborn, and thick headed. 

Blog your answers below to 1-5
Put your Ammit along with the description on Kidblog

Monday 4 November 2019

Our Dictionary

In the style of an illuminated manuscript, we will be creating our class dictionary.

Here are some examples from the book we are reading The Mighty.

Aargh, what the aardvark says when it eats ants

Big Lie, ignorance is bliss

Obfuscate, a needlessly confusing word for needlessly confusing

Zoo, an eighth-grade English class

Here is an actual dictionary entry

For your dictionary entry
-Do 2 Words
-Is the word a noun, a verb, both, or . . . ? (1pt)
-Define the word  (could be several definitions) (2pts)
-Use the word in an example sentence (2pts)
-CORRECT spelling and grammar, this is a dictionary after all (2pts)
-Artistry (3pts)

Friday 1 November 2019

Your Library account

Click here and log onto your library account using the log in link that you will find on the upper right. Check for your over dues and browse the books that are available. 


Don't forget to peruse the links provided above. There was much more to the pyramids than a huge mass of blocks.

Still much is not completely understood about Ancient Egypt, such as how did they build those pyramids???

Here is a great link about pyramids.

READ the link above. Also Read the links provided above above.
Now create a class kahoot. 

Blog below 5 questions and the right answer to each question.