Thursday 12 September 2019

Early People and Evolution

The Theory of Evolution, first put forth in a book by Darwin called On the Origin of Species, is all about species changing because of adaptations they make to adjust to the environment. The theory also states that besides changing, some species die off because they weren't able to make the adaptations necessary.  There are theories that this happened to the Neanderthals; that they couldn't adapt to the increasing coldness of the Ice Age and/or adapt to the encroachment of homo sapiens upon their territory. The process of making adaptations and surviving or failing to adapt and dying off is called Natural Selection.

This is a theory. Proof is used in Mathematics and Philosophy, but isn't a scientific term. Science is the process of gathering evidence, forming predictions, and then testing those predictions. The theory of Gravity is an example. From the understanding of this theory, scientist are able to send a space probe over 6 billion Kilometres into space and land, safely, on a comet reaching speeds higher than 130,000 km/h

Read here about Neanderthals. 

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