Thursday 12 September 2019

Essay, Step 3

First and Last Paragraphs

1st paragraph-Topic Paragraph: what your essay is about. The theme of your essay, which is YOU!
Start with a attention grabbing sentence.  Mention the points that you be talking about in your essay. Lead down into your topic, theme of the essay.

    A. Attention grabber:( startling info, anecdote, dialogue or summary info)
       1. 1st thought
       2. 2nd thought
       3. 3rd thought

    B. Thesis sentence, theme/topic of the essay: Which is magical YOU

Last paragraph-Concluding Paragraph

A.   Thesis: restate thesis in a new way.  All About YOU

B.     Sum up of points- Review, add  your feelings or anecdote or quote. Strong sentences. Have an opinion.

Finish with a memorable statement.

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