Tuesday 24 September 2019

Global Warming

As talked about before, scientists don't prove things, they devise theories for why things happen and make educated predictions for what will happen. 97% of scientists think that human activity has caused global warming. Here is a list of scientific organizations that think global warming is caused by people.  http://www.opr.ca.gov/facts/list-of-scientific-organizations.html

The prediction is that if we warm up by 2 degrees, which will happen within the next 11 years at our current rate, then the Earth will slide into environmental disaster.

To avoid this, what are our options?

Here is what some Winnipeg students did last Friday.  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-climate-die-in-protest-1.5292340?fbclid=IwAR2K5Jo7SygMITJxMAkbzlIsZps-GbU2w3tEQ3hfE58_hBxfUCda2MsU1Uk

Here is what some people are planing on doing this coming Friday. https://www.goodwork.ca/action/climate-strike-for-climate-change-action-canada-54613

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