Monday 2 September 2019

Provincial Election

A provincial election this Tuesday!

Each riding has people running for election. One person gets elected from each riding. The party that elects the most members gets to form the government.

The school is in the Kirkfield Park riding. The people  people running represent one of the 4 major political parties, Conservatives (in power )-Scott FieldingNDP (Official opposition)-Kurt MortonLiberals-Ernie Nathaniel, Green Party-Dennis Bayomi 

Here is a quick run-down of what the political parties have promised in this election 

We will, as a class, go through some of the major issues in the election.  You might pick a party to support because they most align with what you think is important. A single issues like education or taxes or the environment may be very important to you and that alone might sway your vote to a particular party. Then of course, you may think a person running in your riding is a really good representative and deserving of your vote, even if that person isn't running for the party whose policies you favour.

-In Scotland the voting age is 16. Should we change the voting age in Canada?
-What issue(s) most concerns you this coming election. Remember from grade 6 the responsibilities of the provincial government.

Be prepared to vote in class on Tuesday. 

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