Thursday, 20 February 2020


Update due to Covid19: You can still access your powerpoint project from home, details are here.  When completed, share the powerpoint with me and I can access your powerpoint and put it onto Zoom as a shared screen.  The important thing is your speech, which your powerpoint may help, but feel free to do your presentation without the powerpoint.

We have covered about 195,000 years of history. Click on the link above, Early People to Rome, to peruse what we have covered. Take your time on these links, find something that attracts your fancy to do a project on it. Blog below what your project topic will be. The teacher will publish your post to signify approval.

Read up on your topic, take your time, become our class expert.

Then create a presentation on your topic.

You will need to have a 2 1/2minute speech (150 seconds) with 10 pictures for your presentation.

Things to focus on:
1. Why they/are/it is famous.
2. Impact on today’s society?
3. How they/it advanced science/technology/literature/government/other?

You will be marked on the following:
1. The information presented.
2. Information being presented in an interesting manner.
3. Pictures used (make them relevant).

Rubric to come next week.

Step 1 READ

Step 2 Choose a Topic

Step 3 READ some MORE

Step 4 Gather Notes (15 marks)

______ Title (name of event/person/activity,and your name) 1 mark-Keep focused on the topic

_______Who/What (describe major people/groups/event/action/activity involved) 1-See above-Focus!

 ______ When (period it took place, try and be very specific)1-Focus

_______How (How it worked, happened, was created/created change)Multiple Marks

 ______ Why (purpose/significance of event/action/activity/person) was important. Impact on us today? Multiple Marks

 ______ Interesting facts and explanations Multiple Marks

Step 5 Presenting the Information (5 marks)

Finding a way to present the above notes during our physical isolation time

Sources for ALL FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!