Monday, 11 May 2020

Monday, bright and sunny, class meeting at 1


Corrections of Thursday Questions-Tuesday, still waiting for a few more to answer
Also Still looking for some more Journals
More Knights, shields and Castles 

Your video below is proving to be very popular on the School's Instagram. I have posted it here as an unlisted youtube video. I tried my best to get the singing and acting synchronized and to include all the submissions. Tough to do during these pandemic times.  I was rather pleased with how the shorter contributions some of you made complimented the longer contributions some of you made.  Well Done Team!

Below is a video clip that is being shared among all the grade 8 students about storming a castle.  In the clip, King Richard 1, the Lion Heart, is leading his troops into battle to storm the castle. While based on a true story, below is the Hollywood version. What was in those sacks hung on the gates that caused such an explosion?? Hollywood special effects is the answer. Actually, the castle was taken when the people inside the castle heard the sappers at work.  King Richard was killed when he was supervising the sappers. He was taunting the castle cook to try and shoot him, and then a boy shot him in the shoulder. King Richard died 12 days later of gangrene, which couldn't have been a nice death. Before he died, he forgave the poor and sent him on his way with some money. After he died, one of his followers recaptured the boy, flayed him alive and then hung him. 

1. Wha is a Sapper?
People who tunnel under castles
2. What is flayed?
To have the skin removed. To be flayed alive would be very cruel
3. Stop the video below at about 47 seconds. What 2 structures of the castle would enable those inside the castle to actually attack anyone who was hanging flammable sacks on the gates. 
The Murder holes above the gate, and the arrow slit on the round tower that faces the gate
4. What structure feature did this castle lack that would have made it more difficult to reach the gates and the walls?
A Moat
5. On castles that have moats, the bridges into the castle are often now made of stone. Why would the castle defenders back in the middle ages insist that those bridges actually be made of wood?
Much easier and faster to destroy a wooden bridge when an army approaches
6. This castle, Edinburgh Castle, was never taken by force, it had huge cannons and is very high up on a hill. Some scenes from Harry Potter are inspired by this castle. The castle was conquered several times, why?
The Water source was outside the castle

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