Saturday 21 March 2020

Class meetings online

1pm on school days, we meet online in a virtual classroom.  You may have to download the Zoom app. Click here for access


  1. Mr. Harland how do we get on our class meeting. I got zoom but it needs a code or something.

  2. At 1pm it should work. I am online right now if you want to try it out.

  3. So today we come back on at 1pm and go onto zoom?

  4. Yup, or if you want to try it right now, I am online.

  5. Let me know if you are having troubles. It has worked for me when another user has tried to join when using an apple phone, an android tablet, and an Imac. Just click the link above and follow the instructions.

  6. Are you going to post stuff on the blog for us to do?

  7. Today was supposed to be an intake day, but I do have stuff to post. We are going to start off with poetry and personification, then into Rome and April Fool's day, and then our Friday Journals. How about if I start posting at 1:45, after the Zoom time runs out?
